Comfortable and Relevant. At Good Shepherd, you are encouraged to “come-as-you-are.” We welcome you wherever you are on your faith journey. We explore life in God’s love through Scripture, message, prayer, and praise. You can follow along in the worship bulletin and in the hymnal. Bibles are in every pew. "Come-as-you are" also means that you can dress however you are most comfortable. We welcome all here.
Liturgical. We celebrate Holy Communion, a taste of God’s grace, at every service. We use liturgies from Evangelical Lutheran Worship, as well as from other resources. The services are firmly rooted in the traditions handed down through generations, yet are casual and personal. Services are based on a pattern of Gathering, Word, Meal, and Sending.
Modern and Inspiring. Music borrows from the best of traditional Lutheran hymnody, contemporary Christian, world music, Taizé meditations, spirituals, and folk traditions is a meaningful element of Good Shepherd's worship services. Musical leadership includes choir, piano, organ, guitars, bass, drums, and soloists.