Generations Together (January 8 & February 26)
Three times a year, all faith formation classes, 6th grade and up, gather in Fellowship Hall to engage in cross+generational faith formation.
Art for the Season with various leaders
Every season of the church year, an artist will lead us in making a simple, yet meaningful, art project. Place the item in your coffee pot, on your desk, or in a favorite spot, and be reminded that God is with you. We'll have sparkling juice and coffee while we create! Jan. 15, Feb. 12, and April 23. Gathers in Underwood East.
The Gospel Gathering led by David Cope
For Advent, we will look at Jesus through the lese of the author of the Gospel of Matthew. We will then explore how we acquire the modern image of Jesus and survey the Christmas portrayals of Jesus in classical art, music and literature and in worldwide art, music and literature. Meets weekly in Underwood West, and Mondays at 7:00pm on Zoom. Link in Friday Faithprints or by request.
Sacred Journeys led by Chris Watson
Sometimes church gets a bad rap as a place that has all the answers, when God means it to be a place that is open to (and encouraging of) all our questions. In this class, participants will be encouraged to think critically, feel deeply, and wrestle earnestly with the reality of life and of the gospel. Join us to be a part of joyful, holy conversation as we explore the riches of God's grace together. Gathers weekly in Underwood North.
Class with various
leaders (first 3 Sundays of each month)
This inclusive class is designed to be appropriate for adults with developmental delays. Open to all, the class provides an informal and fun opportunity to study how Sunday’s Scriptures relate to participants’ lives. Meets weekly in the Library.