What if I only need to reserve a room? If you just need to reserve a room for an event that doesn’t need to be shared with all of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church (i.e. ministry team meetings, groups outside GSLC, etc.) select “room request only” on the first question.
What happens to my room reservation if I select “room request only”? If you select “room request only,” the church office will add your room to the Facilities Calendar if it is available and send you a confirmation email. (Note: These events are NOT included on the Events calendar at gslchurch.org.) If the room is not available, you will receive notification from the church office.
How can I see what rooms are available? To see the complete Facilities Calendar, click here or click on View Facilities Calendar above the link to these FAQs. The Facilities Calendar is not the same as the Events calendar on the church website.
What if I need to reserve a room and communicate my event? If you need to reserve a room for an event that needs to be communicated within Good Shepherd and/or the surrounding community, select “room & communication request” on the first question.
What happens to my request if I select “room & communication request”? As with a “room request only,” you will receive an email from the church office either confirming your room reservation or notifying you that your requested room is not available. You will also receive an email confirming receipt of your communication request.
Why do I need to submit an event communication request four weeks in advance? Four weeks typically is the time necessary to fully develop a communication plan and graphics (if necessary) and communicate the upcoming event.
Where will my event/announcement be communicated if I complete a “room & communication request” or “communication requests only”? The channels used to communicate an event/announcement will depend on the scope and target audience of the event/announcement, and will be determined by Good Shepherd’s Communications Director in consultation with the pastors and staff. Our goal will always be to get the information to the appropriate audience in the most effective and efficient way possible.
Possible communication tools include:
• church website at gslchurch.org
• The City (While we encourage you to post your own events/announcements on The City, we will post if necessary. Just let us know in the request form who will be posting on The City.)
• Sunday bulletins
• Pastor’s announcements
• Wittenberg Information Center
• Quarterly newsletter (The Shepherd’s Voice)
• Friday Faithprints
• Narthex video board
• Social media