Reformation Night at Good Shepherd

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27, also known as Reformation Sunday, is a special day for Lutherans. That NIGHT is an extra special for the Good Shepherd community with a Trunk-or-Treat at 4:30pm and Chili Cook-Off at 5:30pm. 

Trunk-or-Treat will be held in our parking lot (inside if inclement weather) from 4:30-5:30pm for all costumed-kiddos. Families can come at any point within the hour, park outside the trunk-or-treat area, and enjoy inflatables before or after trick-or-treating. To enter a trunk and hand out candy, you must have an active Realm profile with Good Shepherd and RSVP to the event.   

Chili Cook-Off will be held in the Fellowship Hall at 5:30pm. After the Trunk-or-Treat, head over to Fellowship Hall for hot dogs, chili, all the fixin's. Vote with your dollars for Good Shepherd's most delicious chili - all donations collected will support our trip to the 2027 ELCA Youth Gathering and hurricane relief efforts. To enter a chili into the Cook-Off, you must have an active Realm profile with Good Shepherd and RSVP to the event

Good Shepherd is located at 7000 Creedmoor Rd, Raleigh at the corner of Creedmoor and Sawmill Rd. 

Questions? Please contact Andrew Buck at