Endowment Fund Grants

Good Shepherd’s Endowment Fund provides Christian stewardship through faithful management of past gifts which are held in perpetuity. Gifts to the Fund can be cash, stock, real or personal property, insurance policies or annuities. Only the interest accrued on the gift, and never the principal, can be distributed. Distributions from the Fund can be used to enhance the ministries of Good Shepherd or the work of non-profits in the greater community. However, no funds from the Fund can be used to support activities currently funded in Good Shepherd’s operating budget. Donations to the Endowment Fund through a will or estate planning is an ideal way to leave a lasting gift to the Church.

The Endowment Committee considers requests for distribution from the Fund twice each year and is currently accepting grant applications through Sunday, November 3. The application is available online.

Contact the Endowment Chair with questions.